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Addressing Women Migrant Worker Vulnerabilities in International Supply Chains

The brief aims to introduce and describe vulnerabilities experienced by women migrant workers in supply chain and suggest actions that the private sector, employers and recruitment agencies can take to address the issues.

The brief is divided into four main sections. The first two sections focus on vulnerabilities, discrimination and exploitation of women migrant workers. In the third section, it provides international frameworks of corporate responsibility in protecting women migrant workers’ rights. The fourth section concludes the report with recommendations for businesses to response and address inequality in their supply chains. 

Women migrant workers’ labour participation contribute significantly to the economic and social development in both countries of origin and destination. Their contributions can be scaled and multiplied if their rights are protected. Addressing and eliminating gender discrimination in the recruitment and employment of migrant workers contribute to the realization of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.

Check out below info-sheet on the same topic

An info-sheet on gender-specific risks and vulnerabilities in supply chains, and recommendations 



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